Excerpt from "Lethal but Legal" by Nicholas Freudenberg pg. 152
Core Beliefs and Values of Advocates for Healthy, Sustainable Consumption
1. Making a profit by sickening others is wrong.
2. Parents, families, teachers, and health professionals, not corporations, should educate people about health, nutrition, and moral values.
3. Nanny corporations that seek to exploit children's vulnerability and immaturity, not nanny states, are the real threats to health and freedom.
4. The goal of social policy should be to make healthy choices easy choices.
5. In a globalized world, economic activity anywhere affects people everywhere; shifting the harms of such activity to another region or country in order to protect one group is wrong.
6. Every generation has a responsibility to leave the world a better place for future generations. Knowingly bequeathing our children and grandchildren a burden of disease, damaged environments, or corrupted democracy violates most of the world's moral codes.
7. Science belongs to all humanity; appropriating it to profit at the expense of health or the environment is wrong.