I offer nutrition
counseling for individuals in early recovery from addiction, alcoholism, or
eating disorders. I specialize in their co-occurrence, also known as "dual
diagnosis". After a comprehensive intake and assessment, I will figure out
the best intervention for my patients. Some people need very close monitoring
while others need basic guidance and meal planning. I will often meet some of
my patients at the grocery store to do some hands-on work and put theory into
practice. I meet my clients weekly and slowly make changes that will last a
lifetime! I specialize in the nutritional management of: Food Addiction,
Substance Abuse, Eating Disorders, and Weight Management, and I also have
backgrounds in sports nutrition and general wellness. I also specialize in the
male population and work with individuals who struggle with Muscle Dysmorphic
Disorder and food-related dysfunction. Lastly, I run groups at various
residential treatment centers and outpatient facilities.
For more info click HERE