recent years, chia seeds have been growing in popularity. Remembered by many as a plant ordered off a
late night infomercial, these little seeds have been found to be extremely
beneficial if included in the diet. So if
you aren’t currently including them in your daily routine, you may just want to
start. Here’s why:
Dietary Fiber
Chia seeds are an excellent source of dietary
fiber. Fiber adds bulk to the diet, and
can make a person feel fuller, faster.
This can help to control weight, and also helps to prevent constipation
and aid in digestion. Foods that are
high in fiber help to control blood sugar levels by slowing down the absorption
rate into the bloodstream. Fiber also
plays a role in a healthy heart, as it helps in reducing blood pressure,
inflammation, and cholesterol levels.
Omega 3
These healthy fats are an
important part of cell membranes throughout the body. They play a critical role in blood clotting
and help to control inflammation. In
addition, this type of dietary fat supports brain health and may assist with
depression. The many benefits of Omega 3
fats are also linked to heart health.
This type of fat can help to improve blood vessel function and may help
to lower blood pressure and heart rate.
Vitamins and
Chia seeds are a great source of a number of different
micronutrients. In particular, they are
a wonderful source of the fat-soluble vitamin E, which helps immunity levels in
the body. They are also a source of
calcium, which the body needs for proper heart, muscle, and nerve
function. Along with vitamin D, vitamin
E can help to protect against cancer, diabetes, and high blood pressure.
How to Enjoy
chia seeds in your diet is a great habit to start, and it couldn’t be any
easier. You don’t have to become a super
chef or spend any extra time in the kitchen, all you have to do is add them to
some things that you may already be eating.
One simple way to incorporate them is by adding a teaspoon to a 16 or 20
ounce bottled water. After about 20
minutes, the seeds will absorb some of the water and expand. You can sip on this throughout the afternoon,
and it will help to keep you full and energized until dinner. Other ways to enjoy include sprinkling on top
of a salad, eating with yogurt, or as part of a smoothie.
important thing to keep in mind is to integrate them into your diet
slowly. If your diet is relatively low
in fiber, it is ideal to increase the amount of chia in your diet gradually to decrease the chances of any
gastrointestinal discomfort. If you want
to do something great for yourself, start adding these powerful seeds
daily. Your body and mind will thank