Monday, September 7, 2015

The Truth About Artificial Sweeteners

Artificial sweeteners have become hugely popular in today’s society as people look for quick fixes and ways to cut corners with their diet.  These products boast claims as having zero calories and that they are a safe alternative to sugar, but is it really that simple?  Are these artificial sweeteners safe to consume without having any effect on the human body?  There is new information emerging all of the time, and many studies are now showing that these sweeteners that were once deemed safe, may not be that harmless after all. 

Conditioning The Brain

One of the concerns with the use of artificial sweeteners in food and drinks is that they condition a person to think things need to taste sweet to be good.  Take for instance an individual that switches from a sugary soda to one that is sweetened artificially.  While they may be cutting out the empty calories and sugar, which is a good thing, they are still reinforcing their preference for items that taste sweet.  So what is wrong with having a preference for sweet things?  If a person has been conditioned to seek out sweet food and drinks, the probability is great that they won’t enjoy things that do not light up the sugar center in the brain.  Healthy food choices including vegetables, whole grains, and water are not sweet, and it is less likely that someone that consumes artificial sweeteners will seek these items out.

Link To Weight Gain

When a person decides to replace sugary food and drinks with items that are artificially sweetened, there may be an initial reduction in calorie intake.  However, it is believed that in most cases this is very short lived, and individuals simply make up for that caloric deficit by eating other processed foods throughout the day.  In short, a person really isn’t fixing the problem by switching to artificial sweeteners, but is simply masking it and compensating with other things. 

Aspartame in particular contains both aspartate and phenylalanine.  These chemicals can interfere with hunger hormones leptin and insulin, and influence fat storage and metabolism.  Consuming artificial sweeteners can increase a person’s appetite and keep them hungry by preventing them from knowing when they have eaten enough.

Gut Health

The connection between artificial sweeteners and the bacteria that lives in the human digestive tract is something that is to be considered, as it may have larger implications than once believed.  There are studies that show these types of sweeteners support the growth and health of a particular bacterial population that assists the body with the storage of fat as opposed to the breakdown of food for energy.  Furthermore, it is suggested that the body’s tissues have difficulty absorbing glucose from the blood, which can lead to glucose intolerance.  This condition can contribute to a higher risk of heart and liver disease, as well as diabetes.

How To Proceed

When making decisions on what food choices are right for you, it is important to consider that there are no “free calories”.  These artificial sweeteners may seem like a blessing, but every choice a person makes does have an impact, and everything you do does matter. 

If you are used to eating foods that are sweet, it will initially be a challenge to remove sweetened products from your diet.  The good news is, that if you stick with it, your tastes will actually change back and the drive to seek out overly sweet foods will lessen.

The most important thing is to get back to eating more food that grows from the ground or falls from a tree, and less food that is being designed by someone in a white lab coat.

Give it a try!  Believe it or not, the artificially sweetened foods that you once found to be deliciously irresistible will soon taste unnatural and too sweet. 

What have you got to lose?

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