Friday, September 18, 2015

Institute for the Psychology of Eating

Navigating the field of nutrition and the world of food is challenging and it can be difficult for an individual to even know where to start.  There are an endless number of opposing opinions, schools of thought, and myths that muddy the waters and make things confusing for anyone trying to find their way in this vast world of information.  We all have relationships with food that started long before we can even remember and are more complex than we may have ever imagined.  Finding the right person to help make sense of each individual’s personal needs and help them to reach their goals can be difficult, but it is possible!  Our friends at the Institute for the Psychology of Eating have been helping people for over three decades and carry a wonderful message of recovery and hope.

A Sustainable Approach

As we all know, fad diets simply do not work in the long term.  While an individual may see some initial results with some of these diets, the truth is that they are not sustainable over a long period of time.  In most cases, a person will return to their previous ways, and any progress that was made will simply fade away.  The professionals at the Institute for the Psychology of Eating have a different way looking at a person’s relationship with food, and focus on a number of areas to help each client meet their goals.  The approach that they use is called Dynamic Eating Psychology, and recognizes that everyone’s experience with food is directly influenced by families, relationships, careers, and the search for fulfillment and happiness.

Dynamic Eating Psychology

The institute has had wonderful success with their approach to food and nutrition, and individuals have had great results in regard to weight loss by using their techniques.  Even more powerful than just changes in weight, their philosophies really help to heal people from a more personal standpoint as they assist in transforming beliefs about body image and food habits.  In addition, Dynamic Eating Psychology takes a look at how a person’s mental state can influence immunity, digestion, and possible food allergies.  Taking a look on this deeper level and helping individual’s to cultivate their own personal relationship with food can help to insure a longer lasting and more meaningful transformation.

Seeking Help

The current worldwide nutrition climate has changed and we are now living in a time with a food supply that is different that it has ever been.  Consumers are surrounded with and endless supply of highly processed foods, and now more than ever are eating less food in its natural state.  It is important that individuals start to make the necessary changes, before things start to get even more out of control.  The professionals at the Institute for the Psychology of Eating can assist with their approach that honors each person’s body, mind, heart, and soul.  They are available to help heal and transform the relationship with food and to unite the science of nutrition along with the psychology of eating.  Weight prejudice as well as body hate are old ways of thinking, and there is hope for every eating concern. 

If you or anyone you know is ready to make some changes and start a new life, please feel free to reach out to our colleagues at the Institute for the Psychology of Eating or to us here at Nutrition in Recovery.

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